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Flooring and Secondary Containment Areas Seminar

From abrasion, impact and chemical attack to high-performance positive grip surfaces, this seminar explores the options available from Belzona for industrial and commercial floors. In addition, you will be given an understanding of the difficulties experienced by engineers with erosion and deterioration in secondary containment areas and supplied with cost effective solutions to combat this problem.


To educate you on the range of systems developed to simplify flooring maintenance and provide detailed options to combat the variety of problems with flooring and secondary containment areas.


2 hours


  • Chemical attack to secondary containment areas
  • Abrasion and chemical resistant screeds
  • Expansion joints
  • Tank base corrosion repairs and protection systems
  • Immersion coatings
  • Safety grip systems

Typical Agendas

If you would like to host your own CPD seminar for you and your colleagues, please contact us today and we will get in touch to confirm the time and dates with you.

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