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Concrete Repair and Protection Seminar

The seminar highlights the common factors that cause deterioration in concrete and provides information on ways of preventing and treating these symptoms. You will be given an insight into concrete repair and protection materials and the simple application techniques associated with Belzona materials.


To give an understanding of the problems with concrete and offer an insight into the advanced repair technologies available including solutions for areas such as floors, walls and other concrete structures.


2 hours


  • High strength repairs and protection coatings to concrete
  • Sump pits, plinths, channels and total encapsulation
  • Protective wall and floor coatings
  • Carbonation coatings
  • Abrasion and chemical resistant screeds
  • Expansion joints
  • Demonstration of concrete repairs (overhead repair without shuttering) 

Typical Agendas

If you would like to host your own CPD seminar for you and your colleagues, please contact us today and we will get in touch to confirm the time and dates with you.

Other Seminars:
